static Cannot Be Used Anymore In Callable Arrays

PHP supports a callable syntax, based on array: it must be an array of two elements, where the index 0 is the object or the class, and the index 1 is the method name.

Until PHP 8.2, it was possible to use the keyword static, to make the callable dependent on the context of usage of the callable.

In the example, static would be calling the static method replace, in A, or in any other class where it is used.

Since PHP 8.2, this is a deprecated feature, and it will be removed in PHP 9.

PHP code

class A
    public static function work($it) {
             return preg_replace_callback('~\w+~', array('static', 'static::replace'), $it);

    public static function replace($a) {
     return 'a';

echo a::work('abc');




PHP Deprecated:  Use of static in callables is deprecated in /codes/staticInCallable.php on line 5

Deprecated: Use of static in callables is deprecated in /codes/staticInCallable.php on line 5
PHP Deprecated:  Callables of the form [A, static::replace] are deprecated in /codes/staticInCallable.php on line 5

Deprecated: Callables of the form [A, static::replace] are deprecated in /codes/staticInCallable.php on line 5

PHP version change

This behavior was deprecated in 8.2

This behavior changed in 9.0