str_replace() On Arrays Of Objects

str_replace() accepts an array of strings as third argument: it applies all the replacements to all the strings in that arguments.

Until PHP 8.0, it was possible to pass an array of arrays, and the inner arrays would be omitted in the replacement. In PHP 8.0, the objects are cast to a string: stringeable objects are always converted, while non-stringeable objects yields a Fatal error.

This is also applicable to str_ireplace().

PHP code


class x {
     function __toString() {
             return 'def';

var_dump(str_replace('a', 'b', [new x]));

var_dump(str_replace('a', 'b', [new stdclass]));



array(1) {
  object(stdClass)#1 (0) {


array(1) {
  string(3) def
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /codes/str_replaceOnArraysOfObjects.php:11

PHP version change

This behavior changed in 8.0

Error Messages